Ayhan Kaya
Europe versus Islam?
Right-wing populism and Islamophobism in Europe and their impact on Turkey–EU relations
Turkish Origin Migrants and Their Descendants:
Right to public space:
Populism and Immigration in the European Union
Individual Determinants of anti-Muslim Prejudice in the EU
Syrian Refugees and Cultural Intimacy in Istanbul:
Ethno-religious narratives of citizenship in Turkey:
The Alevi-Bektashi order in Turkey:
İslâm, göç ve entegrasyon: güvenlikleştirme çağı
‘Islamophobism’ as an Ideology in the West
Critical voices against the Bologna Process in Turkey:
Islamisation of Turkey under the AKP rule
Türkiye'nin Göç Tarihi:
Euro-Türkler, Kuşaklararası Farklılıklar, İslam ve Entegrasyon Tartışmaları
Farklılıkların birlikteliği
Europeanization, Framing Competition, and Civil Society in the EU and Turkey
Contemporary Turkey at a Glance
Determinants of young people’s civic and political participation in Turkey.
Transformation of migration and asylum policies in Turkey. The Europeanisation Of Turkish Public Policies